Danish bikers hunted after fatal car blast

MEMBERS of a Danish biker gang were being hunted yesterday after a former member was blown up in his car as he drove to a hospital appointment in a Copenhagen suburb.

Police said a bomb was slipped under Mickey Borgfjord Larsen’s car as he parked outside the County Hospital in Glostrup.

The local chief constable, Joern Bro, said the explosion destroyed the car and threw pieces of wreckage and body parts dozens of yards around the blast area.

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He said Larsen was being hunted by other members of the Bandidos gang because he had left the group.

"It was a very violent explosion," he said. "Several kilograms of explosive were used."

Larsen, 32, had driven to the hospital for his weekly physical therapy from a nearby half- way house where he was finishing an eight-year jail sentence for kidnapping, violence, threats and the theft of six million cigarettes.

Police quickly ruled out terrorism because a doctor who knew Larsen identified his remains. "We quickly knew it was related to the biker world so we decided not to evacuate the whole hospital. We knew that the bomb was targeting him," Mr Bro said.

"The windows vibrated and we saw a pillar of coloured smoke rise. We looked out and could see fire in the treetops," a witness, Helle Andersen, told Danish news agency Ritzau. "There was a terrible stench of burned rubber."

Others saw what looked like a piece of black metal fly past immediately after the blast, Ms Andersen said.

Larsen had been in "bad standing" with the Bandidos for leaving the group in 2001.

"That means that he is hunted game for people in biker circles," Mr Bro said. "He was very unpopular and had many enemies."

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The explosion was not linked to a three-year feud in the Nordic countries between the Hells Angels and Bandidos.

In 1997, the two groups signed a truce, ending the so-called "biker war" in Scandinavia that left 12 people dead and more than 70 wounded.

The groups had used car bombs, anti-tank grenades and drive-by shootings.

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