Interview: Will Ferrell, actor and comedian

Proud of his new Mexican spoof in Spanish, funnyman Will Ferrell tells Siobhan Synnot why learning the language was such a serious business

A STUFFED, talking Bengal tiger acts as spirit guide. A Whiter Shade Of Pale is sung, in the Mariachi style. A close-up of a villain’s sunglasses shows a crew member in the reflection, eating a sandwich. And let’s not even start to discuss the sex scene that involves a mannequin body double.

Will Ferrell has made some very goofy comedies (Anchorman, Talladega Nights, Elf), but never quite like Casa De Mi Padre, an exuberant love letter to incompetent Mexican soap operas which also manages to poke fun at American-Mexican relations, the drug wars and 70s westerns along the way.

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