Stephen Chaffey: Is 'health and safety' nanny state at work or just sensible rules?

ARE we too risk-averse as a nation? According to the government, the answer is yes. Former Tory minister Lord Young has been tasked with reviewing health and safety legislation and compensation culture, with a report to be published at the end of the summer.

This has been on the Conservative Party's radar for some time, and the Young review was trailed in December 2009 by David Cameron. Citing examples such as office workers being banned from moving a chair without expert supervision, the review will look at taking a more common-sense approach to health and safety.

Lord Young's review might go some way to dispelling some of the myths about health and safety's status as a by-word for excessive caution and restriction. Organisations should measure and manage risk, but it is impossible to eliminate risk completely. The important thing is to apply a mature outlook to identify where the risks may be, carry out robust risk assessments and put in place appropriate policies and training to reduce those risks.

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