What time will Nicola Sturgeon participate in FMQs today? Where can I watch the First Minister's coronavirus update on Wednesday?

The First Minister will be facing questions from parliament this afternoon on the government’s handling of coronavirusThe First Minister will be facing questions from parliament this afternoon on the government’s handling of coronavirus
The First Minister will be facing questions from parliament this afternoon on the government’s handling of coronavirus
The First Minister will be facing questions from parliament this afternoon on the government’s handling of coronavirus

Nicola Sturgeon will be addressing questions in Parliament at this week's First Minister’s Questions, which will start at 12.20pm.

Ms Sturgeon will face questions on the government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic and is thought to discuss in more detail Scotland’s easing of lockdown which will start at the end of the week.

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It is also likely that the Prime Minister's chief advisor Dominic Cummings will be mentioned, and the allegations that he has undermined the public health message by breaking lockdown during a trip from London to Durham.

Ms Sturgeon has spoken out about the allegations against Mr Cumming, saying: “In a situation like this it is so important that trust in the public health advice is maintained.”

Boris Johnson has announced that he backs his chief advisors decision, saying that he acted with “integrity” leading the First Minister to comment that she thinks the PM should “come to a different conclusion.”

Scotland will be entering phase one of lockdown easing at the end of the week, with people to be allowed to meet up with one other household at a time as long as it is outside with social distancing observed.

Garden centres and golf courses will also be opening up, as well as some construction sites.

Government guidelines for businesses is on the Scottish Government website and FMQ’s can be viewed on Parliament TV and on BBC Scotland.

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