Donald Trump brands First Minister ‘Mad Alex’ in wind farm row

US TYCOON Donald Trump has claimed First Minister Alex Salmond is in danger of being remembered as “Mad Alex – the man who destroyed Scotland” over his plans for renewable energy developments.

But the Apprentice star was branded a “bully” and accused of being “hysterical” over the bizarre outburst, which marks the latest twist in the saga of his plans to build a golf course near Aberdeen.

Mr Trump is fighting proposals for an offshore windfarm which he argues will spoil his luxury coastal development.

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He is to be the star witness at Holyrood committee inquiry into the Scottish Government’s renewable energy targets.

In the latest letter to the First Minister, Mr Trump said the drive to build wind turbines would ruin the environment and end any chance of Scotland becoming independent.

He asks: “Do you want to be known for centuries to come as ‘Mad Alex – the man who destroyed Scotland?’

“Remember what I said – if you pursue this craziness, Scotland will go broke and forever lose whatever chance you currently have of making Scotland independent.

“A bankrupt Scotland will always be reliant on others.”

But Mr Trump’s comments came under fire from unlikely defenders of the First Minister.

“I don’t normally rally to the defence of Alex Salmond,” said Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie. “But when old friends turn nasty with irrational taunts, I feel the need to step in.

“Climate change denier