Game of Thrones star Kit Harington helps sell Christmas trees

Kit Harington was spotted helping people pack their Christmas trees.Kit Harington was spotted helping people pack their Christmas trees.
Kit Harington was spotted helping people pack their Christmas trees.
Those getting into the Chrismtas spirit were left shocked yesterday after one of the most popular characters on Game of Thrones helped them pack their Christmas tree.

Kit Harington, who plays Jon Snow in the HNO show was on hand at Wardhill Castle in Aberdeenshire helping people park and pack their Christmas trees.

It is understood that the actor was in the area with his fiancee and Game of Thrones actor Rose Leslie, whose parents live nearby and own the castle. An image was shared on the Instagram page of the castle but quickly deleted.

However, keen fans grabbed the image when they had the chance.

Does anyone else fancy buying their Christmas tree from the King in the North?

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