Kenny Farquharson: Where are Scotland's bright young things?

WHEN pub talk about politics turns to who will win the Holyrood election, there's a phrase that keeps cropping up in the conversation.

It's used by my Nationalist friends and it's a clincher, winning the argument every time. Irrespective of the merits of the SNP's first term in power, regardless of the broken promises and missed opportunities, they say: "Yes, but would you really prefer to have Richard Baker as Justice Secretary instead of Kenny MacAskill?"

It's a fair point. I'm sure Richard Baker - he's Scottish Labour's shadow justice minister, in case you were wondering - is a fine fellow and a gifted politician. But he does look as if his mother dresses him every morning. Natural authority is not, shall we say, his strongest personal asset. And he doesn't seem to have been shaving for very long. I'm sure Baker has many hidden talents, but does he have the substance and heft to be Scotland's equivalent of Home Secretary? Ah hae ma doots, and I'm not alone.

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