Painful pact

I would remind Allan Massie (Opinion, 16 March) that the most recent pact between parties at Westminster was when David Steel (Roxburgh, Selkirk and Peebles) was leader of the Liberals.

The occasion probably still has painful memories for the now Liberal Democrats as it resulted in disaster for them at the subsequent general election.

I agree that members of their front bench are generally a sensible bunch and the likes of Menzies Campbell and Vince Cable would be an improvement on some of the current cabinet, but, frankly, for a party of their size, some of their number are all over the place.

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When their deputy leader announces a major policy change only to discover it doesn't have the support of the party, one has to wonder. I am referring to Vince Cable's proposed tax on homes worth more than 1m.

It is hard to imagine that Labour deserves a fourth term given its record. The prime minister is in denial with regard to his contribution to the economic fiasco we find ourselves in, and his record with regard to funding our armed forces and the procurement of their equipment beggars belief.