TGI Friday’s mistletoe drone ‘slices woman’s nose’

The 'kiss cam' is already popular with TGI's American customers. Picture: WikipediaThe 'kiss cam' is already popular with TGI's American customers. Picture: Wikipedia
The 'kiss cam' is already popular with TGI's American customers. Picture: Wikipedia
A MISTLETOE carrying ‘kiss cam’ drone used by a branch of TGI Friday’s hit a woman in the face causing cuts to her nose and chin, it has been reported.

The small drones, which are equipped with cameras and have mistletoe attached to them, are being flown around branches of the restaurant chain in the UK after making their first appearance in November.


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Already popular in the US, the aim of the ‘kiss cam’ is to inspire couples to kiss on camera underneath the mistletoe.

However, a journalist in New York has warned that they can be dangerous after she was hit in the face by one at an event in on of the city’s restaurants. Speaking to the Brooklyn Daily, Georgine Benevenuto said: “I’ve done some crime scene reporting. I survived 9/11. I didn’t get a scratch on any of those assignments. This is bizarre to go into a restaurant and come out injured,”

“It was like I couldn’t get it off because I guess the mistletoe part had fishing wire on it — that’s how it was attached — and it got caught in my hair and it kept twirling and twirling and twirling while this thing is on my nose.”

“That’s how it ended up cutting me under the chin, I think it had four blades.”

She added: “Thank god it didn’t go anywhere under my eye, that is my livelihood.”

Drone operator David Quiones admitted there is some risk attached to the stunt but claimed Ms Benvenuto got injured because she flinched.

“If people get hurt, they’re going to come regardless. People get hurt in airplanes, they still fly,” he said.


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